J.P. McDermott
Very Cool

77 - Sep/Oct 16

Rockabilly musician J.P. McDermott, shown here performing at...
Sheila Walstead

75 - May / Jun 16

In addition to weekly Polynesian dance classes at...
Bryan Leicher
Strolling & Strumming Around Old Towne

70 - Jul/Aug 15

Popular guitarist Bryan Leicher draws crowds throughout Orange...
Will Hare
Award-Winning Architecture Photographer

67 - Jan / Feb 15

There’s a good chance that most Old Towne...
Nina Greville

59 - Sep / Oct 13

With a host of celebrity clients and career...
Brian Lambros

58 - Jul / Aug 13

Serving in the Army for a combined 14...
Steve Johnson

55 - Jan / Feb 13

When professional tennis player Steve Johnson made it to the...
Steve Soest

54 - Nov / Dec 12

An expert in vintage guitars and guitar repair, Old...
PM Romero

52 - Jul / Aug 12

Band members Ishmael Herring (left) and PM Romero...
Katie Wayland

51 - May / Jun 12

Hometown girl Katie Wayland will compete for the Miss...